Canadian Immigration News

How To Make Your Spousal Sponsorship Application as Strong as Possible

3 minute read
Spousal sponsorship can be frustrating. These applications typically have a 12-month processing time due to the high number of applicants. Depending on the circumstance, this estimated wait time can sometimes increase.
Written by My Visa Source Team
Published on:  Apr 27, 2023
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Spousal sponsorship can be frustrating. These applications typically have a 12-month processing time due to the high number of applicants. Depending on the circumstance, this estimated wait time can sometimes increase.

Spousal sponsorship processing times are the last thing you want to worry about when you’re simply trying to get your life with your partner back on track. Fortunately, there are steps you can follow to ensure that you’re assembling a solid application. Taking care to submit your application the right way can help avoid delays or rejections so you can get back to what’s most important.

Reasons Your Application Could Be Denied

If your application gets denied, you’ll have to start all over again. But, of course, we know you don’t want to do that. It’s just more time added to your wait.

These are some common reasons that spousal sponsorship applications are denied. Take the time and care with your application to avoid running into one of these problems.

  • The applicant didn’t provide enough proof of your relationship.
  • The sponsor doesn’t meet the requirements to be a sponsor.
  • The sponsor was not physically in Canada while the application was being processed.
  • Mistakes or incorrect information on your application.

Tips for Success

Okay, so now you know what not to do, but what should you do?

Here are our tried and true tips for a successful spousal sponsorship application.

1. Complete your application carefully.

As simple as it might sound, a lot goes into this! First, you’ll need to ensure you’re eligible to be a sponsor and that your partner is eligible to be sponsored. Then you’ll need to determine if you’ll use inland or outland sponsorship. Both types have unique requirements, so you’ll need to decide which is best for you and your relationship.

One mistake we’ve often seen made on spousal sponsorship applications is putting the sponsor’s information in the place of the person to be sponsored and vice versa. Unfortunately, this is just one example of a simple mistake that could waste your time waiting for your application to be processed.

Your best chance at success will be taken when you carefully read over the application and understand everything it asks of you. If you need a second opinion, you can always reach out to our team of immigration lawyers by submitting our form for a free assessment.

2. Include lots of evidence.

As mentioned above, insufficient proof of your relationship is a common reason for delayed or rejected applications. You can avoid this by assembling a great collection of your evidence to include with your application.

Some of the most prevalent forms of evidence that applicants provide include marriage certificates, wedding invitations, and photos. However, you can include more than just your wedding photos if you have them. For example, you could collect pictures with friends and family members, and you and your partner in different places at different times of the year.

Additionally, you can include some messages and communications between you and your partner to demonstrate the genuineness of your relationship. It would also be beneficial to show that you and your partner have finances in a shared account or property under both of your names. Any way that you can demonstrate your togetherness, consider if it could be used as evidence of your relationship.

Sometimes spousal sponsorship applicants are invited to an interview. If this is the case for you, you’ll want to be very prepared. This interview will be an excellent opportunity to prove your relationship is genuine. You and your partner should have a common understanding of your relationship history and your life together because you’ll both be asked to talk about it, and your answers should match up.

3. Honesty is the best policy.

It’s always best to be transparent and truthful on your immigration applications. Submitting inaccurate information or lies could end badly. Don’t hide any parts of your situation that could be relevant to your sponsorship and immigration. It’s important to remember to be honest and remain hopeful. Submitting a truthful, accurate and detailed application is your key to success.

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