Canadian Immigration News

Why Employers Benefit from Hiring Foreign Workers

3.75 minute read
"As the pandemic has highlighted, immigrants are a much-required boost to ensure that everything runs smoothly even at the time of a calamity. Canada has increased its target for economic immigration for 2021 knowing full well that immigrants will play a particularly important role in helping the economy reach its pre-pandemic levels."
Written by My Visa Source Team
Published on:  Jul 18, 2021
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As the pandemic has highlighted, immigrants are a much-required boost to ensure that everything runs smoothly even at the time of a calamity. Canada has increased its target for economic immigration for 2021 knowing full well that immigrants will play a particularly important role in helping the economy reach its pre-pandemic levels. 

Attracting global talent and capital while providing several ways for individuals to immigrate to Canada is a shrewd move as Canada now has 6 times more skilled immigrants compared to the US. This is especially significant, seeing how half of America’s biggest private tech companies were started by individuals born outside the US. 

However, not only at a macro level, hiring temporary foreign workers is a smart move for many Canadian businesses. Hiring immigrants provides an international pool of talented candidates to choose from. 

What Are the Advantages of Hiring Skilled Foreign Workers?

Fresh Talent, Fresh Skills: 

As Canada has a declining workforce due to an aging population, there is a limited supply of skilled workers available. It is not always possible for employers to find the right skill set in local workers. 

Therefore, hiring foreign workers brings particular talent and skills to the Canadian job market that were previously unavailable. It is particularly beneficial for employers as they do not have to invest in training employees at their own expense.

Wide Experience: 

Living in different countries gives a wider perspective to immigrant workers, allowing them to enrich the company’s decision-making process. It can be something as simple as knowing how to approach clients from different cultural backgrounds or how systems are integrated with other business environments. Such knowledge is very beneficial for a business. Therefore, hiring foreign workers helps your business to gain wider experience and stand out in the market. 

Better Ability to Adapt: 

It is in no sense easy to shift your life to a new country and adapt to its new environment, system, laws, and regulations. Similarly, the business environment is also ever-changing and requires the employees to have the ability to adapt to new changes. 

Immigrants have a proven ability to adapt to new circumstances, after all, they've left their home country, friends, and family and settled in a new country with different cultures and languages to succeed in professional life.

Better Access to International Markets: 

Immigrants are often bilingual or multilingual. They also come from different countries that have unique cultural backgrounds and traditions. Therefore, this knowledge can be very useful when expanding to those markets. Foreign workers can give insight into these markets and inform the country on what will work best in a new environment. They can also help the business connect with local contacts to save both time and money.

Strong Connection to Canadian Market: 

Canada is widely referred to as the country of immigrants. One in five Canadians identify as an immigrant. In metropolitan areas like Toronto, more than half the population is made up of people born outside the country. Employing immigrants to serve such customers helps the business build better connections with its customers. They can connect on their shared experience of moving to a new country.

Strong Work Ethics: 

Immigrants are known to have a strong work ethic as their entire focus is on succeeding professionally to build a secure and strong future for themselves and their families. Since employment plays a major role in maintaining their status, immigrants make their jobs their top priority.

Builds Better Corporate Image: 

Diversity and inclusion are strong Canadian values and businesses that adhere to these values benefit from a good corporate image. There are even award ceremonies for diversity practicing habits.

This year will be the 14th season of Canada’s Best Diversity Employers, an award program for employers across Canada with exceptional workplace diversity and inclusiveness programs. 

Improved Employee Morale: 

Workplace diversity is a key factor for many employees as it indicates that the workplace will be discrimination-free and will encourage an attitude of openness and acceptance for all employees.

Improved Productivity: 

A study conducted by the University of Florida shows that a diverse workforce leads to improved productivity and other competitive advantages.

Ease of Training: 

New employees are well aware of the fact that they have a lot to learn about their company in a new country. This awareness makes them more inclined to listen, learn and share. It also makes them easier to train as they are very willing to adapt to company-specific processes and procedures.

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