Canadian Immigration News

Is Canada Likely to Implement Vaccine Passports for International Travel?

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"The recent ‘Global Public Backs COVID-19 Vaccine Passports For International Travel’ survey conducted for the World Economic Forum by the global market research firm Ipsos, revealed that the global support for implementing vaccine passports has increased to reopen international travel."
Written by My Visa Source Team
Published on:  Jun 4, 2021
man with a mask on and vaccination bandage on arm
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The recent ‘Global Public Backs COVID-19 Vaccine Passports For International Travel’ survey conducted for the World Economic Forum by the global market research firm Ipsos, revealed that the global support for implementing vaccine passports has increased to reopen international travel. 

Canada is also considering implementing vaccine passports to let foreign nationals enter the country or attend large events. A vaccine passport means that travelers must show proof that they have been vaccinated against Covid-19 to be allowed to travel internationally. 

According to the survey, 3 in 4 adults across 28 countries support vaccine passports. While Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed his concerns regarding vaccine passports leading to discrimination in mid-March, there is still a huge possibility that Canada may implement vaccine passports to reopen international travel. See visitor visas and temporary residence for travel to Canada.

Why Would Vaccine Passports Lead to Discrimination?

As Prime Minister Trudeau said, the idea of vaccine passports already exists as many countries require travelers to be vaccinated against certain diseases before they are allowed to enter. However, the idea of using vaccine certificates domestically brings in the question of equity and fairness as based on these certifications people will be allowed to go different places or participate in certain activities. 

There might be several reasons why someone won’t be able to vaccinate or have to wait longer to access vaccines. Therefore, these things must be taken into consideration before vaccine passports can be implemented. However, the Ipsos survey largely shows that the Canadian population is in favor of vaccine passports for domestic travel and even for participating in large events at least until the spread of Covid-19 can be contained.

What Does the Survey Say About Vaccine Passports?

In Canada, about 61% of the population are in support of vaccine proof before allowing people to participate in large group activities, using public transportation, domestic flying and attending any religious or sporting event. Meaning only 31% of people share the Prime Minister’s view of such vaccination certificates discriminatory against people who do not want to vaccinate or are unable to due to any medical or other reason.

Internationally, vaccine passports are currently being viewed as a short-term measure. Only 13% of the participants across 12 countries believe that vaccine passports should be used indefinitely. 23% believe that vaccine passports should be used for the next few years. Almost 32% are in favor of it being a short-term measure for the next few months or until the end of this year.

What Do the Airlines Have to Say About Vaccine Passports?

According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), to ensure the complete reopening of international travel, governments need to ensure that they are effectively reducing the risk of further spreading the Covid-19 virus. Therefore, creating a system to inform travelers on what tests, vaccines and other requirements they must meet before traveling internationally is important to reopen borders. Travelers can be informed about where to take the tests or vaccines and how to easily share their test or vaccine results in a safe and privacy-protecting manner with the governments.

The global travel agency has already launched an IATA travel pass, a digital application to help travelers save and share their vaccine passports. Canada is also reportedly working on its ArriveCan Travel App to include information about vaccinations. The ArriveCan Travel App is already in use by travelers to share Covid-19 test results and quarantine plans before entering Canada. However, vaccine passports remain a debatable issue politically as many governments take strong legislative measures against any vaccine requirements.

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