Canadian Immigration News

Refugees Face Uncertainty As Pandemic Causes Processing Delays

1.5 minute read
"Many refugee claimants are stuck in limbo due to pandemic delays. Situations have occurred such as study permits set to expire within a few weeks and claims for refugee status in Canada have been left unanswered for many months."
Written by My Visa Source Team
Published on:  Sep 22, 2021
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Author info:

Many refugee claimants are stuck in limbo due to pandemic delays. Situations have occurred such as study permits set to expire within a few weeks and claims for refugee status in Canada have been left unanswered for many months. 

Many such refugee applicants are in similar situations waiting for a confirmation of review of their appeal from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). This decision will allow them to access education, social assistance and healthcare benefits. 

What Is the Process of Making a Refugee Claim?

Applicants are required to submit their application to the IRCC. You can apply for refugee status upon arrival at the land, air or sea ports of entry.  You can also apply from within Canada. In 2018, around 14% of all successful refugee claims were made from within Canada.

Upon review, if the IRCC deems the case eligible, the application will be referred to the Immigration and Refugee Board Canada (IRB). Also, once the IRCC deems that the claim is eligible, you will have access to social assistance, healthcare benefits, education and emergency housing. The IRB makes the final decision on the application. If the claim is rejected, then you will be required to leave the country.

According to the IRCC website, the current processing time for refugee applications have been affected as the department was forced to shift their work system online and the difficulties in accepting claims by mail. 

The average processing time for the review process by the IRCC is between 1 to 3 months. However, many have been waiting for over a year due to the Covid-19 delays.

Despite the current backlog, the IRCC has committed to expedite 20,000 additional applications for vulnerable Afghan refugees evacuated from the country where the Taliban has recently gained power. 

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