Canadian Immigration News

Canada to Favour Russian LGBT Asylum Seekers

1/2 minute read
"Russian gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) who are looking to seek asylum in Canada, can be comforted in knowing that Canada will favour their claims."
Written by My Visa Source Team
Updated on:  Feb 23, 2021
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Russian gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) who are looking to seek asylum in Canada, can be comforted in knowing that Canada will favour their claims. With the passing of Russia’s anti-gay propaganda law, a greater amount of attention has been brought to this matter.

Chris Alexander, Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration minister said that Russia has taken the wrong path in restricting the fundamental rights of its gay community, and that any refugee claims “related to this particular issue will of course be looked at very seriously by our very generous system.”

The new law in Russia prohibits gay pride events and providing information to minors on “non-traditional” relationships, and exposes those who express pro-gay views to prosecution. Foreigners can face fines of approximately $3,000, and up to 15 days in a Russian jail.

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