Canadian Immigration News

Canada Extended Flight Ban from India Till August 21

1,75 minute read
"Canada extends its ban on international flights from India for another month. This temporary ban was first implemented on Apr 22, 2021 due to the rising Covid-19 cases in both India and Pakistan and the fear of new emerging variants of the virus. In response to that, Canada banned all passenger and business flights from India and Pakistan."
Written by My Visa Source Team
Published on:  Aug 1, 2021
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Canada extends its ban on international flights from India for another month. This temporary ban was first implemented on Apr 22, 2021 due to the rising Covid-19 cases in both India and Pakistan and the fear of new emerging variants of the virus. In response to that, Canada banned all passenger and business flights from India and Pakistan. 

The ban was initially imposed for a period of one month. For flights from Pakistan, the ban was extended once. It will end naturally on Jun 21, 2021. Meanwhile, the Canadian government is planning to ease travel and border restrictions starting Aug 9, 2021 for fully-vaccinated travelers. 

In the last month, the Canadian government has taken several measures to ease the travel restrictions. All individuals with their Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) can now travel to Canada and complete their immigration process. In addition to that, fully vaccinated travelers will also be exempted from mandatory quarantine requirements. 

Why Are the Travel Restrictions Being Relaxed Now?

The current relaxation of travel restrictions comes after Canada’s success in vaccinating the population. Canada has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world. Around 80% of all adults have received the first dose of their vaccine and around 40% have been fully vaccinated. Compared to the peak during the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, Canada was having 9,000 new cases daily. That number has been successfully reduced to only 400 per-day-case range. This has allowed several provinces and territories to relax their social distancing restrictions.

Why Was the Flight Ban from India Extended?

Despite the declining rate of Covid-19 cases in Canada, the flight ban on international flights from India was extended for another month. This was done to avoid the risk of spreading the Delta variant as India is currently managing the second wave of the pandemic.

India is also the leading source country for immigrants to Canada, around 20% of all new permanent residents and 30% of all international students come from India. Therefore, these measures are to minimize the risk of exposing the Canadian population to the Delta variant.

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