It is a common myth that lawful permanent residents of the United States are immune against being deported. However, that is not true. Under some special circumstances, you can be deported even if you have a valid Green Card (Permanent Resident Card).
Only US citizens are protected against deportation orders. As a lawful permanent resident, deportation is still very much a possibility. To avoid it, you should know the legal reasons for which a Green Card holder can be deported.
What Are the Legal Reasons for Deportation of an US Immigrant?
Having a Conditional Permanent Residence:
This applies to lawful permanent residents who were issued Green Cards valid only for 2 years. If they fail to remove the conditions on their Green Card before the end of 2 years, they risk being deported to their home country. This is valid for employment-based and marriage-based Green Card holders.
Fail to Notify USCIS of Address Change:
You must notify the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) of any change in your address within 10 days, failure to do so can lead to deportation.