US Immigration News

Taking the US Naturalization Exam In Your Own Language

2 minute read
"Are your parents eligible for US Citizenship but are apprehensive about taking the citizenship test in English? Turns out they might not have to take it in English at all. Here are a few ways to help your parents get US Citizenship without having to worry about taking the test in English."
Written by My Visa Source Team
Published on:  May 4, 2021
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Are your parents eligible for US Citizenship but are apprehensive about taking the citizenship test in English? Turns out they might not have to take it in English at all. Here are a few ways to help your parents get US Citizenship without having to worry about taking the test in English.

It is quite difficult for elderly residents who have been living in the US for long to take the citizenship test in English when it's not their first language or something they are fluent in speaking. However, that is no reason for them to not want citizenship in a country they have been paying taxes and living in for so long. 

By meeting certain exceptions, they may not have to take the test in English and be required to take the written test component. Not knowing how to read or write English can no longer stop you from taking the citizenship test. 

What Are the 3 Exceptions?

The 50/20 Exception: The 50/20 exception allows lawful permanent residents who are 50 years and older to apply for citizenship without taking the test in English if they have held their Green Card for at least 20 years. This means that they can take the test in a language they feel most comfortable with. They also don’t have to give the written test in English. This is very helpful for immigrants who can not read or write English. 

The 55/15 Exception: This exception is the same as above, it just bumps up the age limit and reduces the time limit. Meaning that lawful permanent residents who are 55 years or older and have held their Green Card for at least 15 years will not be required to take the Naturalization test in English. They will be allowed to bring a translator and they will not be required to give the written component of the test. 

The 65/20 Exemption: This exception is for lawful permanent residents who are 65 years or older and have been permanent residents for at least 20 years. They will be required to give a simplified Civics exam and be exempt from the written component of the test. There is a pool of questions for the Civics exam which is made public, making it easier to prepare for the test. 

Don’t be hesitant and go for it! If you fit for any of these exemptions, don’t waste any time worrying about the English test and grab the opportunity to become a naturalized US citizen.

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