US Immigration News

US Raises Refugee Admissions Limit to 125,000

1.25 minute read
"President Biden officially raised the refugee visa cap limit to 125,000 annually during the 2022 fiscal year. This visa cap represents the number of refugee admissions in the US until September 30, 2022. President Biden raised the visa cap after consulting with Senate members and the House Judiciary Committee."
Written by My Visa Source Team
Published on:  Nov 8, 2021
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Author info:

President Biden officially raised the refugee visa cap limit to 125,000 annually during the 2022 fiscal year. This visa cap represents the number of refugee admissions in the US until September 30, 2022. President Biden raised the visa cap after consulting with Senate members and the House Judiciary Committee. 

How Are the Refugee Admissions Distributed?

The refugee admissions were allotted to the following regions:


Visas Allocated



Near East, South Asia


East Asia


Latin American/Caribbean


Europe and Central Asia


Unallocated Reserve


What Is the US Refugee Admissions Program?

According to the US Immigration Law, an individual will be considered a refugee if they are unable or unwilling to return to their home country on the account of fear of persecution based on their race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a social group, etc. The Department of State and the Department of Homeland Security manage the US Refugee Admissions Programs to process such individuals 

Every year, the US Congress allocates visa caps and funding for resettlement and integration programs for refugees. Under the policies of the Trump administration, refugee admissions had dropped down significantly, also affected by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. In the last 2 fiscal years, less than 12,000 refugees were admitted to the US every year. 

In summer 2021, the US Army evacuated 50,000 Afghans to the US. The DHS is processing most of these Afghans on a case-to-case basis by keeping them on parole. They are yet to be considered refugees in the US. After the parole process is complete, these Afghans may be eligible to apply for asylum and immigrate to the US. 

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