US Immigration News

EB-5 Visa Applicants in China Drop Significantly in July

1.25 minute read
"China is the top source country for most immigrant investors applying for the EB-5 Investor Visa. According to the Department of State, the interest of Chinese investors in the EB-5 Visa dropped significantly between June and July 2021. Meanwhile, the Senate has refused to reauthorize the EB-5 Regional Center Program."
Written by My Visa Source Team
Published on:  Oct 16, 2021
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Author info:

China is the top source country for most immigrant investors applying for the EB-5 Investor Visa. According to the Department of State, the interest of Chinese investors in the EB-5 Visa dropped significantly between June and July 2021. Meanwhile, the Senate has refused to reauthorize the EB-5 Regional Center Program. 

How Were Chinese Applicants for the EB-5 Visa Affected?

According to the Visa office, around 408 EB-5 related Visa applications were issued to mainland-born Chinese in June. In July, that number dropped to 129, a decrease of around 70%. The State Department maintains different records for applicants from Mainland China and Taiwan. There are a lot more EB-5 applicants from Mainland China compared to Taiwan.

The number of EB-5 Regional Center Visas issued between June and July reduced from 407 to 1. Only one EB-5 Visa was issued in July to a Chinese applicant. However, the investment in the EB-5 Direct Investment program increased from 1 to 127 between June and July in China.

The State Department will issue a total of 1,536 visas to applicants from Mainland China, just a fraction of the total 10,000 EB-5 Visas offered worldwide.

What Happens to the Unissued EB-5 Investor Visas?

Any unissued visas in the EB-5 Investor Visa category doesn’t signify any change in the number of new immigrants coming to the United States. Rather any unissued visas in these categories are further allotted to other Employment-based Visa Categories. 

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