Refund Policy

MVS Law Professional Corporation and the appointed lawyer(s)’ (“MVS”) obligations under the Retainer Agreement are null and void if the Client(s) knowingly provide(s) any inaccurate, misleading or false material information. The Client(s) financial obligations will remain.

The Client(s) acknowledge that the granting of a visa or status and the time required for processing this application is at the sole discretion of the government and not MVS.

The Client(s) agree that the fees paid are for services indicated above, and any refund is strictly limited to the amount of fees paid and are payable at the sole discretion of MVS.

The Client(s) agree and confirm that if their application is refused due to non-compliance of submitting the required/requested documents or attending to the compliance direction from the applicable Government within the notified time limit MVS will not be held responsible for this. No refund will be applicable under such circumstances. The client agrees to pay the entire agreed fee forthwith.

Should the retainer agreement be terminated after signing, MVS reserves the right to charge $550 per hour (personal cases) and $850 per hour (business cases) for all time put into the matter retained within the retainer agreement, including, but not limited to telephone calls, emails, internal correspondence and strategizing. In addition, there will also be a flat fee of $1,000 (personal cases) and $1,500 (business cases) for the welcome package. The amount shall not exceed the flat fee, as outlined in the retainer Agreement.